Business Survival Strategy

Business Survival Strategy – Let’s Learn from Nature

“Today’s protagonist will be the bird of paradise or strelitzia reginae; These flowers open in the shape of a fan and these usually take a shape similar to that of an exotic or tropical bird. For this unique shape of the flowers it has the name of bird of paradise”.

Although when things go well, the business strategy opens up and spreads like a tropical bird, now it is wandering aimlessly, with no clear focus on the future. The storm is global, it is the same for everyone, but the boats are not the same, each one has its history and its own unique reality. What should we do?

“The sweet nectar that this plant has is what most attracts the birds, the birds are the ones that move the pollen from flower to flower. Thus, thanks to this cross-pollination, better results are achieved”.

A well-conducted business strategy in times of crisis, with a Purpose, with Values, with agreed and communicated Objectives, is a nectar, attracts the ecosystem: shareholders, customers, suppliers, and teams. The participants move the pollen, channel it in the right direction and better results are always achieved in diversity. It is now when we must insist on the What for? …in the Purpose of our company or project and make sure that our team assumes, accepts and communicates it. Now it is essential so that our boat does not capsize.

“The basic care for the maintenance of the bird of paradise consists of trying to maintain a warm temperature. The soil should be well drained and it is recommended that the PH be around 7.5”.

The basic cares to keep the boat afloat are: A Purpose, a Business model, Talent and Technology. And all embraced by the values ​​of trust, empathy and communication so that we are all not only in the same storm but in the same boat. Transforming emotions and ensuring that the terrain is fertile are the foundations of our work as leaders and survival.

“You have to be careful when watering it, because if the soil is too wet, it could damage the plant with the appearance of the fungus that causes the root to rot.”

Organizations are, after all, people. Yes, also methods and resources, but in the end, it is the people who move organizations and decide its future and sustainability. We have to “water” people; neither too much nor too little, just enough for the person to flourish in the most suitable position for them. It is essential for this that we increase internal communication and use all available means to recognize Talent.

 “When the flower withers, it is important to make a cut from the base to eliminate the withered part and help flowers to come out again, since a flower stem usually comes out of the intersection of the leaf”

Our corporate responsibility is to know when a shareholder, employee, customer, or supplier is “withering” and to cut, repair, heal, or replant another type of seed.These are many duties and obligations as leaders, businessmen and executives, but we must also take advantage of this unique moment to enjoy Beauty, Simplicity, the gift of Nature and that in this new reality of Survival we are going to need a business strategy,that is solidary, collaborative, and inclusive. We are going to need a business strategy that is solidary, collaborative, and inclusive!!  

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